The right tools for your direct-sold workflow
Direct-sold ads are a top revenue source for publishers, but these campaigns can be an operational burden that can slow the process to a crawl – without as much reward.
Not only does it take a lot of hustle on your sales team to go out and sell these spots, but then your operations and trafficking teams need to go in and set everything up. And when they need to hardcode ads, switching out creatives for each campaign can be a drain. On top of that, if you’re working out of multiple platforms, that can slow your team down, and make it difficult to get a full view of your campaigns in your reports. Then errors can slip through and you’re missing out on opportunities for incremental revenue.
It’s difficult to scale when most of your day is spent just trying to keep up.
Everyone has too much on their plate to have to deal with inefficient processes and as email newsletter programs continue to grow, wouldn’t it be great if monetizing your newsletters could be, well, easy? What if you had the ability to strategically plan, optimize, and report on your direct-sold email campaigns all in one place? Having the right tools to book, manage, and monitor your direct-sold and house campaigns in email would really open up a whole new world of incremental revenue. Cha-ching!
So whether you already have a direct sales program in email, or are looking for ways to easily bring campaigns into this channel, LiveIntent can help address these pain points and offer support for your direct-sold needs.

Faster reporting
Our forecasting tool helps streamline the direct-sold campaign planning process and provides visibility, and a deeper understanding, into your available and booked impressions. You can even forecast using Adjusted Impressions for more accurate data.
The Line Item Overview dashboard is your one-stop shop for line item management. You can monitor campaign pacing, review trafficking details, and easily identify which line items are performing as expected and those that need adjustment.
Sponsorship options
Sponsorships are one of the most common ways that publishers sell their inventory, so there shouldn’t be a one size fits all approach – and who doesn’t love options?
We’ve added a new workflow to our platform, Coordinated Sponsorship, that enables you to sync multiple newsletter ads slots within a given impression for your guaranteed direct-sold campaigns, and collapse any unwanted ad slots.
This feature is in Open Beta and if this sounds like something that would interest you, please reach out to your LiveIntent team.

One and done
And if working in multiple platforms is too much of an operational lift for your team, we’ve rebuilt our Google Ad Manager integration, so you can easily extend your direct-sold web campaigns into email and manage all your campaigns and line items in one platform.
Read more here if you’re interested in learning more about LiveIntent’s direct-sold solutions and how our features and tools can meet your needs.