LiveIntent Awarded MarTech Innovation Award in Recognition of Its Achievements in Identity
LiveIntent Awarded MarTech Innovation Award in Recognition
of Its Achievements in Identity
LiveIntent is very proud to announce that it has been named the winner of the MarTech Innovation Award in the 2019 MarTech Breakthrough program.
LiveIntent strongly believes in a market where those who will succeed will be practiced in advertising and marketing, not one or the other.
LiveIntent has been a pioneer in building a bridge between advertising and marketing. We’ve dedicated ourselves to this cause, and in pursuit of that launched services to transform previously anonymous traffic into addressable inventory. This benefits Publishers who face new challenges in a world where changes to the cookie have made monetizing inventory amenable to new ideas like our own Identity solutions. Advertisers can now use the same precision targeting they’re used to in email across the web, even in cookie-challenged environments
LiveIntent’s MarTech ambitions have also bolstered marketers, as we’re able to help them be present wherever their customers are present and paying attention. This has resulted in marketers being able to keep costs down while pursuing aggressive marketing goals.
Learn more about our new Marketing Solutions.